At the time of writing this blog, I don't know whether my recent newsletter was good enough to keep me in the running in the "Studio Diva" marathon contest being run by TRS (short for the romance studio).
Nevertheless, a competitor has to assume the best, and set up a contest for the penultimate round, just in case.
How, you might well ask yourself, is a Nipple Judging contest commensurate with discernment and good taste?
Those who remember the early days of Monty Python's Flying Circus might remember the catch phrase which I associate --possibly mistakenly-- with the great John Cleese "all in the best possible taste" which usually preceeded something in appallingly poor taste.
That's the paradox of promotion. You have to know your audience and play to it, and I perceive (I may be mistaken) that I'm competing in an arena where highly charged sexual material is much appreciated.
At least the nipples are unimproved... unpierced... and routinely viewed by the general public in bookstores, and on public beaches.
For your interest, this is the contest:
“I recognize a cover model by his nipples,” an editor told me on my recent Crazy Tuesday internet voices radio show in honor of the late Dawn Thompson.
Do you?
Are you a connoisseur of manly chests?
Vote for Mr GoodNipple on The Raven Happy Hour Blog, and you could win a book token from online bookseller Cy Korte at
Check out the twelve cover models’ nipples on display at:
Then “Comment” at the ravenblog (link above)
Post the words “Mr GoodNipple” and a number between 1 and 12. One GoodNipple connoisseur will win.
Winner will be drawn at random by Rowena Cherry from all correct answers received. “Correct” answers are at Rowena’s sole discretion.
All Mr Good Nipple “comments” on Rowena’s guest blog feature will also be entered in a random draw to win a bound, print ARC of Knight’s Fork.
Mr GoodNipple Entries (and written requests for full contest rules) may also be mailed to
Rowena Cherry, PO Box 554, Bloomfield Hills, Mi 48303-0554
Void where prohibited. No purchase necessary. Chances of winning depend on number of entries.
Entering Rowena Cherry’s Mr GoodNipple contest does not constitute a vote for Rowena Cherry in the “Studio Diva” contest currently running at .
You might well wonder How can a choice of any given nipple be incorrect? How can I possibly claim that there is any skill whatsoever involved in this?
It is conceivable that one of the gentlemen in my jigsaw puzzles might be posing in such a way that the manly parts that are the focus of this contest do not show.
Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry
Six Things Writers Need To Stop Worrying About
Some things don't change.
When I got my start in this biz, way back in 2002, writers had to get a lit
agent to get a publisher, then they did what their pu...
5 years ago
I'm still giggling over Mr. Goodnipple...
Thank you for your comment. I don't believe you visited the Raven Happy Hour Blog to leave a comment... I'm sure if you had, I would have remembered your name.
That particular contest is over, but you can enjoy my bare-chested cover model jigsaws any time you like.
And, if you wish to win an ARC of Knight's Fork, there are nine on offer to readers in various parts of the world at
Look along the toolbar/header to the far right for "Authors"... Click.
On the "Authors" click, and look on the far right for green font text links, and the words "free reads" or it might be "firstread".
Examine all the books on offer. For books being offered outside the USA, click the "more" link at the very bottom of the page.
Good hunting!
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