I'm under deadline at the moment, so cannot take long. If you watch this video of MATING NET, at the end you will be offered --by YouTube-- an array of animal videos that have absolutely nothing to do with me or my work.
I did write a scene inspired by the horse and the golf bag... but then I decided it was not in the best possible taste!
If you are on YouTube, check out my sites RowenaBCherry also rowenabeau also rowenacherry.
I've started to collect some videos for my Cherry Picking radio program on Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio.
Rowena Cherrry
Six Things Writers Need To Stop Worrying About
Some things don't change.
When I got my start in this biz, way back in 2002, writers had to get a lit
agent to get a publisher, then they did what their pu...
5 years ago